A Stage Set designed and built for the International Opera Theater’s production of Il Sogno di Una Notte di Mezza Estate. The opera was directed by Karen Salliant with an original score written by Pietro Rigacci. The design of the set responds to the forest setting of the Opera which was based on William Shakespeare’s comedy, A Midsummer nights Dream. The Opera was performed, in a 18th century opera house in the Italian hill town of Citta Della Pieve
Working in collaboration with the costume designer, we created depth by layering the fabric of the set and the costumes and used it interchangeably to camou age the  gures as they move from background to foreground
to deliver their vocal performances. The  gural forms of the set mask the singers and allow for multiple time frames to be accommodated within the space of the stage.
The set was built in Philadelphia as part of the summer design workshop by the Fiber Arts students at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. It was made of lightweight fabric and rolled into containers that were transported as carry on luggage.


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